
At Luxury Replica , we want you to buy, sell or swap your bags with confidence, so we offer a complimentary 12-month limited warranty on stitching, on all bags.

How it works?

If you've purchased a bag from Luxury Replica within the last 12 months and the stitching has come loose, please let us know. Email us at customercare@guccidealer.com.cn with the subject heading "Warranty and your order number" (which you'll find on your email invoice) and then we'll guide you through the next steps. In most cases, we’ll ask you to send us the bag, we’ll repair it and it’ll be restored to the same condition in which you bought it.*

*Please note that we offer a warranty on bags only. The customer is responsible for sending in the bag for repair. Our limited warranty does not cover pre-existing signs of wear-and-tear.