Now reading: How We Can Help You Declutter This January

How We Can Help You Declutter This January

This January, not only are we giving you tips on how to declutter, but also on how you could turn your wardrobe into cash! 

Decluttering is basically the art of getting rid of things that you no longer use or need anymore. With our hectic schedules and busy lifestyles, it can be tricky to find the time to declutter effectively. So let's use the time (some of us have) in lockdown to our advantage and follow these tips to decluttering.

  1. Lay everything out:

And when I say everything, I mean everything! This is a good way of seeing everything you have, and can examine every item thoroughly. Some useful questions to ask yourself are:

– Will I ever wear/use this item again?
– Does this item have any nostalgic value attached to it?
– Is it in good condition? Does it still fit?
– Is it still trendy?

     2.  Label. Label. Label.

Next, we suggest you sort your items into four piles: "TOSS", "KEEP", "MAYBE" (if you're as indecisive as me), and "SELL". 

"TOSS": Throw away the items that are ripped/stained, or items that you haven't worn/used in a long time. 

"KEEP": Keep items that you still use, but try to coordinate them by colour and style so that it is easier for you to find them and visually more appealing. 

"MAYBE": For all you indecisive humans, it must be hard getting rid of some items especially if they have intrinsic value. For example, a sweater that your grandmother knitted for you when you were 12 or shoes you wore to your first job interview. These can all go in the "MAYBE" pile (it's okay to have one). In addition to all the items that you don't wear but might come in handy one day.

"SELL": Separate your items to sell down into bags, shoes, clothes, and accessories. Then sort them by value. Some, you might want to donate to charity, but the rest you can sell! Here is where we come in handy. At Luxury Replica , we offer you different ways to sell your unwanted pieces, and they're simple! Find out how to turn your items into instant cash, here.

     3.  Shop sustainably 

Fast fashion is the second biggest polluter to the environment. It's time to make the shift and shop sustainably. This doesn't necessarily have to mean that you are breaking the bank, but more that you are investing in quality rather than quantity. Buying preloved items allows you to invest in quality at almost half the retail price. No brainer! Check out all our preloved pieces, here.

     4.  Have fun!

Decluttering doesn't have to feel like a task! Put some music on and enjoy the process. Decluttering can also mean that you are letting go and making space for new things. Enjoy!