There’s always a pre owned Dior handbag to match any outfit of the day. Pink or blue, metallic or denim, micro or tote — used Christian Dior bags are sure to add pomp and personality to your signature style. A fun and feminine purse or bold vintage Dior handbag on your arm or in your fingertips lets the world know that a beautiful, sophisticated woman is ready to face the day.

Second hand Dior handbags bring elegance to any wardrobe at much better prices. Enjoy shopping for these prized accessories and add variety to your collection. Buy a pre owned Dior bag online for complete convenience.


91 من المنتجات


Christian Dior Dior Metallic Printed Leather Gambler Dice Bowling Bag - DXBS2334Christian Dior Dior Metallic Printed Leather Gambler Dice Bowling Bag - DXBS2334
DIOR Embroidery Vanity B0907CDEVQ
DIOR Embroidery Vanity B0907CDEVQ السعر بعد الخصم£950.00
DIOR Book Tote Medium B10217K8D4
DIOR Book Tote Medium B10217K8D4 السعر بعد الخصم£1,280.00
Lady Dior Small Black Lambskin GHW (Flap) SYCM274G
Lady Dior Small Black Lambskin GHW (Flap) SYCM274G السعر بعد الخصم£3,550.00
Lady Dior Small SO Black Lambskin Black HW SYCM281
Lady Dior Small SO Black Lambskin Black HW SYCM281 السعر بعد الخصم£3,790.00
Lady Dior Medium Black Lambskin SHW SYCM280
Lady Dior Medium Black Lambskin SHW SYCM280 السعر بعد الخصم£2,700.00
Lady Dior Medium Dark Pink Lambskin GHW SYCM279
Lady Dior Medium Dark Pink Lambskin GHW SYCM279 السعر بعد الخصم£1,999.00
Lady Dior Medium Turquoise Lambskin PHW SYCM278
Lady Dior Medium Turquoise Lambskin PHW SYCM278 السعر بعد الخصم£2,090.00
Lady Dior Small Bright Red Lambskin GHW SYCM277Lady Dior Small Bright Red Lambskin GHW SYCM277
Lady Dior Small Bright Red Lambskin GHW SYCM277 السعر بعد الخصم£2,780.00
Lady Dior Small Metallic Gold Calfskin GHW SYCM276Lady Dior Small Metallic Gold Calfskin GHW SYCM276
Lady Dior Small Metallic Gold Calfskin GHW SYCM276 السعر بعد الخصم£2,600.00
Lady Dior Small Gunmetal Grey Lambskin SHW SYCM275
Lady Dior Small Gunmetal Grey Lambskin SHW SYCM275 السعر بعد الخصم£2,999.00
Lady Dior Small Lilac Pink Lambskin GHW SYCM272
Lady Dior Small Lilac Pink Lambskin GHW SYCM272 السعر بعد الخصم£2,999.00
Lady Dior Small Cloud Blue Lambskin GHW SYCM270
Lady Dior Small Cloud Blue Lambskin GHW SYCM270 السعر بعد الخصم£3,150.00
Lady Dior Small Nude Beige Lambskin GHW SYCM269
Lady Dior Small Nude Beige Lambskin GHW SYCM269 السعر بعد الخصم£3,280.00
Lady Dior Small Metallic Rose Gold Calfskin GHW (Flap) SYCM268
Lady Dior Small Black Studded Lambskin GHW SYCM267Lady Dior Small Black Studded Lambskin GHW SYCM267
Lady Dior Small Black Studded Lambskin GHW SYCM267 السعر بعد الخصم£2,850.00